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2017 - 18: Customer Experience Designer at Florida Blue, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, U.S Surfaced the customer needs across different channels to shape the future of insurance services. Conducted collaborative sessions with stakeholders to help communicate customer expectations. Provided strategies, process redesign, and products as deliverables.


2017: Spatiality of ongoing routinisation of services - Thesis, Savannah College of Art and Design, U.S Explored the area of routinization of services and designed a framework to gauge which channel should be preferred as a solution space for value co-creation and innovation. Researched and completed in collaboration with UPenn Center for Innovation.


2016: Service Design Intern at Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Health System, U.S
Helped an urgent care clinic at Penn Medicine to improve the practice capacity. Recommended a set of strategies and solutions to help initiate towards enhancing practice capacity.


2016: Service Design for Touchpoint Journal at Service Design Network
Accessed perception and value of Touchpoint Journal to envision the future. This project was a collaboration between students of Service Design at Savanah College of Art and Design and Service Design Network.


2015: User Experience Design Intern at Amazon, Seattle, U.S
Designed the Amazon’s FREE Same-Day Delivery experience. Educated customers about Amazon’s FREE Same-Day program and helped them have better accessibility and shopping experience.


2013-14: User Experience Design at Heckyl Technologies, Mumbai, India
Identified and created key user interactions of the News analytics product experience and also the company website. Managed overall design process with the development and consulting visual design team at different levels.


2012-13: User Experience Design at, Bangalore, India
Surfaced customer problems through research (google analytics and customer call mostly). Collaborated with multiple stakeholders towards building a consensus on a solution. Designed several aspects of the e-commerce portal such as the express checkout flow for both desktop and mobile web, My Myntra (My Account), etc.


2012-13: Design Consultant at Clarice Technologies, Bangalore, India
Supported a new domain in each project, versatile role. Collected stakeholder and user goals through research to pitch a value proposition to the client. Worked with a wide variety of clients like Tally, Informatica, etc.


2010 -11: Interaction Design at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India
Designed and developed an information system to educate women about pre-natal, post-natal issues, and care. Conducted six months of ethnography study in the villages of Assam followed by analysis and re-designing of the existing system. This project was a collaboration between the school and a govt. organization (NRHM).


Masters in Service Design

Savannah college of Art and Design 2014-present, G.P.A 3.8/4


Masters in Design

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati 200-2011, G.P.A 9.1/10


Bachelors in Comp. Sci. & Engg

Bhilai Institute of Technology 2005-2009, G.P.A 7.6/10


Awarded Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Award 2013, India



Awarded top 50 innovation by India Innovation Growth Programme for project “Chetna - empowering maternal healthcare"
Department of Science and Technology, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, Stanford Graduate School of Business and the University of Texas at Austin and FICCI


Published a paper on Research Findings, Analysis and Design Opportunities for Empowerment of Maternal Health in Assam, India
Conference: IUI 2013


Published a paper on Assessing the Perception of Service Design: The Impact of Satisfaction

Journal: Service Design Network - Touchpoint vol 8, May 2016

copyright 2018 © Jagriti

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