Window - like us it reflects what's outside and reveals what's inside.
Capturing windows on the streets of St. Augustine was fun. Felt like having a conversation with a stranger: when you are stuck in the thick of to reveal or just let it be. See more
The art of sentences
This was the intriguing experience of capturing story, emotion, and imaginary in an abstract form through words. A set of one-liner concise sentences generally expressing a deeper meaning i.e Aphorisms, this exercise was exhilarating, it helped me move away from the service design world but at the same time stay creative. It gives a bittersweet feeling in the right doses, one can take a break from daily work and make these with friends, it’s a good creative exercise.
Bitter: when you are trying hard to bring imagery at the same time want to keep it concise; Sweet: when you feel proud at the same time you express a lot in a sentence.
Is an “APP” always the best solution?
Challenging the digital panacea belief. See more
In order to know, we must embrace the unknown.