Flowing Light
Design an interactive installation that can work as a standalone communicative element as well as an integrated part of a larger exhibition for spreading awareness to the semi- and fully-urban Indian household, about energy conservation/efficiency. Reason: no amount of technology can help conserve energy at a home, if a user himself is unaware of the problem at hand.
Secondary Research: Inferences
When people can see success within their sights (or, the end of the game, or, the benefits of their motions) – i.e., when they can participate in the fulfillment of the initiative, then they are motivated much more to work towards things.
Targeting persons in the community who are willing to work helps the cause.
Making people gather and informing them about the initiative (but this would not lead to sustainability, unless the following steps are also carried out).
Making people participate in community programs and involving children and parents in parades, etc. has a psychological effect and could show positive results.
Social Change ought to be Participatory / Community / Horizontal in order to be sustainable.
Affordance and Empathy are BOTH essential factors.
Facilitate tangible visualization of the Impact of Wastage (Ex: Visualizations of 1 ton of CO2 as balloons).
Brainstorming and Concept Generation
We were working on the power wastage due to Standby Power. The inferences and the objectives of the project defined the constraints for the concepts. After this, the next step in the process was to brainstorm for ideas and make concepts out of them. For this we used the technique of mind mapping.
Final Concept: Flowing Light
The final design concept for the project is “Flowing Light”.
It was finalized as it shows a subtle connection between saving energy and saving water. And it attempts to communicate softly the message of conserving power.
Description: The tap in the concept plays a very important role as it connects with the behavioral aspect of the user. The degree of closing the tap from leaking controls the amount of light leaking out of the container. This is visually depicted on the façade of the container using panels of LEDs behind a translucent glass. Also, as the vertical level of the light decreases, the user gets to view a short but strong message about the importance of saving electricity and how vampire power wastes electricity similar to a leaking tap.
Team: Shobhan Shah, Aditya Banhdi, and Jagriti Kumar